Funding measures supported
Funding Guidelines

Projekt Kleine Engel exists since 2003 and of course they have not only been successes during this time, but also some setbacks.
Such as:
Children who have been cared for for a while suddenly no longer come back or can no longer be found.
Or kindergartens that didn't make it into self-employment. This can have various reasons: laziness, dishonesty, greed or indifference, choosing another sponsor are just some of the reasons.
Leaving the kindergarten
Or children become pregnant far too early and lose touch with school education as a result.
But right from the start, Lore Bohm's motto was: Every single child that at least makes it to school is a success.
All children whose parents are unable to pay for the basic school supplies (this includes knapsacks, notebooks and books, school uniforms, cleaning supplies and chalk) receive these from Projekt Kleine Engel.

The aim of Projekt Kleine Engel is:
After a kindergarten was founded, or the project asked for help for a kindergarten, it should run on its own after 5 years of support.
Most of the kindergarten teachers are unskilled workers who have to learn everything from scratch.
Unfortunately, physical punishment is still very common in Namibia, but we forbid any kind of physical punishment in the kindergartens supported by the project!
This is a basic requirement for working with Projekt Kleine Engel, such as:no lying and stealing, laziness is not welcome,
say please and thank you, ... so everything that is actually normal for a good upbringing.